Thursday 25 January 2018

Weaving together nature and technology

January has been a busy month for our land-based crew in terms of finishing up big projects, ending our program in a good way and saying our goodbyes.  Unfortunately, that means we have had very little time to dedicate to our Synergy project and have had to start thinking about alternative ways to accomplish our objectives!  Luckily, a Film 10-12 class is running in second semester and is being taught by Elliot Fox-Povey, who has expressed interest in collaborating on this exciting project.  While we are sad to say goodbye to Kim Lagimodiere, whose land-based teaching contract ends this week, we are excited to be forming a new partnership with Elliot and incorporating his and his students' ideas!

We have decided that we would like to use Google Earth to embed artifacts recorded about different points in the marsh.  We anticipate that these artifacts could include audio, video and text; the type of artifact will depend on the point of interest and the students' ideas.  We have spoken to our district's tech department and they have indicated that they will be able to support us in turning this idea into a reality! 

Google Earth aerial shot of the Somenos Marsh Conservation Area, including boardwalk loop and outdoor classroom.
In addition to our exploration of Google Earth and its capabilities, we have also started exploring iMovie and how to create impactful video and audio pieces.  One of our students has put together a short video of our trip to Tofino using iMovie and has incorporated audio, video, pictures and text taken and recorded by various members of our class.  Our students report that iMovie is very easy to use as the features are highly intuitive.  While there are limitations to this software in terms of high level video editing, it serves our purposes at this point just fine.  Stay tuned for more tips and tricks in regards to iMovie and Google Earth and we jump further into this project in semester two!